Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

The Declaration of Independence has a famous line: we believe that these truths are self-evident: people are born equal, and the Creator gives them certain inalienable rights, including life, freedom, and pursuit. The happiness I think most people agree that the Declaration of Independence is a beautiful document written by an enlightened person. In 2006, a film by Will Smith was called The Pursuit of Happiness. If you haven't seen it yet, please do it. This is a compelling and beautiful story. One of the words shocked me and stayed with me. "At that time, I began to consider Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and the part about our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And I remember how he knew where to put the pursuit part? Maybe satisfaction is what we can only pursue Something; perhaps we will never actually own it. No matter how he knows this? "Happiness is just an idea that we can continue but never before is a great idea, but the wording is not appropriate.
I was told that Jefferson's original route in his first draft was "pursuit of enlightenment," but others in the document creation process didn't like it. I don't know if this is accurate in history, but it brings some perspectives on what we should pursue. I hope that our founders spend more time thinking about this route because I believe that with all the glory in the Declaration of Independence, this famous route has put the United States on the wrong path. Pursuing happiness is a stupid road.

As a goal, happiness is not available.

In my book "Unlimited Jeff," I explored this idea. In the book, the concept of products and by-products is used in many different fields. In many ways, the mistake of our world and society is that we use the wrong things like our products as our goal. Such as happiness, wealth, heaven, peace, love, success, etc. - Rich things will be great, but as a product, as a goal, most of them are not available and may lead to the destruction of expected results. I said that most people couldn't get it because we all know people who target wealth and achieve their goals. But because wealth is the goal, many satisfactory aspects of life have been lost in pursuing this goal.

I believe that if our founder replaced a word in the Declaration of Independence, then the United States may follow another path. What if the line says: "Pursuing to achieve"?

One problem with the word "happiness" is that it brings pleasure. People equate happiness with happiness and happiness and joy, as a pursuit of their own, is an addictive drug. As fun becomes the ideal product for action, people continue to have fun. They are looking for great fun and think they are looking for happiness. Think about watching a fantastic movie, hanging out, drinking and laughing with friends, making love, participating in tournaments, and competitions. All of these are good things, all of which are enjoyable, but they are all very high. By definition, the top position is followed by a low place. If we are not careful, we will find ourselves in the last cycle of climax and trough.

The concept of implementation brings a different mindset. It looks at who you are - what makes you what it is - what promotes your inner spirit - what kind of person you are - what established you.

My dad is just over 80 years old and very active at Habitat for Humanity. He went to the doctor for an annual inspection and said: "You told me before, I am over seventy years old and should not climb the roof. So now I am over seventy years old, it doesn't matter, right?" My father is a Mechanical engineer. I have been studying cars, buildings and other similar things since I was a child. He likes architecture, and he wants to help others. Habitat for Humanity allows him to do both. This is full of his inner spirit and keeps him active. It is both enjoyable and happy, but those are by-products. The product is fulfilled.

The difficult part now. Pursuing satisfaction is difficult, but unlike pursuing happiness, it is achievable. Self-exploration is the key. A deep understanding of yourself is a must. There are many ways to do this, but I found an activity that is critical on my path. Read. Reading is essential to my growth. In The Infinite Jeff, the protagonist keeps publishing books because he believes books are transformative for people.

Happiness is a by-product when you understand what can satisfy you and live a real life. You still experience joy, but this is not a painful and meaningless pursuit to escape life. It is a by-product of fulfillment.

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